+91 9999 165 451

Acunetix are the pioneers in Automated Web Application Security Testing with an engineering lead in website structure analysis and vulnerability detection. Acunetix automatically tests websites and web applications for SQL Injection, XSS, XXE, SSRF, Host Header Attacks & over 4500 other web application vulnerabilities. In addition, Acunetix provides tools for ensuring vulnerabilities are not only discovered, but remediated in context of business-criticality; as well as providing management with reports required to make strategic decisions. The Acunetix innovative technologies include:
DeepScan Technology allows accurate crawling of AJAX-heavy client-side Single Page Applications (SPAs) that leverage complex technologies
Industry’s most advanced and robust SQL Injection and Cross-site Scripting testing, including advanced detection of DOM-based XXS
A Login Sequence Recorder that allows the automatic crawling and scanning of complex password protected areas
AcuSensor Technology allows accurate scanning reducing false positives, by combining black-box scanning techniques with feedback from its sensors placed inside the source code
Built-in tools to discover, measure and remediate vulnerabilities with ease. Including a wide variety of management and compliance reports
Acunetix Multi-Engine - suitable for Enterprise customers who need to scan many web applications simultaneously. Deploy multiple scanning engines all managed from a central console
Highest detection of WordPress, Joomla! and Drupal vulnerabilities
Esperto Consultants is the Authorized Distributor for Acunetix Web Application Security Scanner in India.